Frequently Asked Questions
What is this product, why is it different, and why are so many people talking about it?
This is an ancient product made from sugar, water, & lemon. It has no wax in it. The sugar paste works on very short 1/8" regrowth hair, cleans up with plain water, doesn't take off any skin, and therefore has little or no discomfort. People who have tried the product find themselves leaving the salon feeling relaxed and happy because the normal trauma and negative feelings associated with hair removal are gone. You can also feel free to add-on other services (such as a facial or liquid tanners) afterwards, which you can not do with any wax product.

How does it work?
We offer both the Sugar 'n StripTM method which is similar in application to waxing - with a twist, and the Spa SystemTM requiring a 2-day committment to education in order to perfect. While there are two distinct methods used to remove Salon Sugar Products the principal is the same. A small amount of sugar paste is put on the skin and removed. The nature of the sugar paste causes the hairs to be entwined in it and the gentle removal method means the hairs are lifted out of the skin. This results in much less breakage than with wax or resins. When you remove hair by the root it takes longer to grow back, and in many cases will give up altogether. Also, there is no skin removal, or chemicals, or heat with the sugar paste, and the skin is calm after the service, so you do not see the redness you may be used to.
Per jar, this product seems to cost more than my wax. Is it more expensive to use?
A 30 ounce jar of Salon Sugar paste can remove the hair from 15-20 full sets of legs. Can your current wax product do the same? Our calculations and client documentation show us that our product generates a 5-7% cost of sale. Using the full product line, your wax is probably at 18-21%. This is a big difference. You need to remember that you are also paying for ruined towels, ugly counters, beds, anything the wax gets onto it leaves marks on. Our product doesn't stain, washes off with just water, and has no odour. When you add client satisfaction to the list, our product is certainly worth trying. We believe that once you do you'll see why it's called "the professionals choice".